Physical Therapy
So, on the evening of Saturday, August 26th, I missed a turn while riding my bike, skidded, and went over a retaining wall. I landed mostly on my right shoulder. Readers might recall that I had been training for a triathlon. Well, this was the night before - so, no triathlon for me. Instead, I spent the rest of the night in the local emergency room. Not the way I expected the summer to end or the new school year to begin.
Perhaps most frustrating though fortunate was the fact that this accident happened just as I was crossing our local ball fields on my way home from my sisters just across town. I have been traversing this area for at least thirty years. What do they say about accidents? They happen within a few minutes from home? Something like that - I forget.
From helping me get my shirt on and off, to helping me shower, Sarah continues to be a phenomenal nurse. I was in a sling for a few weeks and have begun physical therapy. The physical therapists have been so reassuring and have explained that I should not write-off participating in an event - even in the not too distant future. They encouraged me to get in the pool and go for a swim which I did yesterday. It felt great. Tomorrow will mark a month and I feel like I am making great progress.
This past week also marked one year since I learned of Sarah’s affair. My therapist, and now my physical therapists continue to help me to get stronger. This is exactly what I intend to do. I had a session with my therapist earlier today, as a matter of fact. She congratulated me and said, “you did it”. I said in response, “yes, we did”.